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GPMS Online Complaint Monitoring System
Your Complaint / Requirement List
Complaint No. Date From : To : Status
Complaints Un-Resolved : 162 Complaints In progress : 69 Complaints Resolved : 121 Complaints Forwarded : 42 Total Complaints : 352
Page 1 of 26 Total Records : 259 Show Per page
S. No. Complaint Id Date Subject Status Comment
1 CFT/CMT-13757 10-11-2021 Cattle Owners In My Street ? Cattle owners keeping Cows on street and residents getting affected with disease In progress View Comment
2 CFT/CMT-13755 01-11-2021 Unknown disease has killed lot of cows and goats In progress View Comment
3 CFT/CMT-13750 30-09-2021 unable to login to dashboard Resolved View Comment
4 CFT/CMT-13747 18-09-2021 Cow char department check my village earth and Resolved View Comment
5 CFT/CMT-13746 17-09-2021 VLDA not work properly not given injection Resolved View Comment
6 CFT/CMT-13739 02-09-2021 About cows Resolved View Comment
7 CFT/CMT-13738 25-08-2021 Provide medicine and vaccine for cattle Resolved View Comment
8 CFT/CMT-13733 16-08-2021 I want to take a animal veterinary course for our animals Resolved View Comment
9 CFT/CMT-13729 03-08-2021 problem in seller login In progress View Comment
10 CFT/CMT-13722 20-07-2021 Procedure to Open AI Training centre Resolved View Comment